STOP The Transit Tax

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The proposed “transit” TAX is a sales tax, the most regressive tax of all. The sales tax is a MUCH GREATER BURDEN on Nashvillians who can least afford to pay. Nashville is a VERY expensive place to live now and this tax will just make Nashville EVEN More UNaffordable. In addition, Mayor O’Connell has stated he will be asking for a large Property Tax Increase in 2025. JUST SAY NO to this UnFair Tax targeting Nashville Taxpayers who are already struggling to afford the basics.


The Mayor is proposing to expand a bus system that is already plagued by crime. One bus rider recently told a reporter that she carries a knife for protection. This continuing crime problem, which is also a national problem, will continue to keep ridership low. And ridership can’t get much lower, current estimates indicate that less than 1% of Nashville area commuters use transit.


Expanding a bus system that carries less than 1% of Nashville area commuters will NOT reduce traffic congestion. There are many ways to improve traffic congestion without burdening Nashville taxpayers with a $6.9 billion boondoggle (That is about $10,000 for EVERY person in Davidson County.) And YES, the CPA firm which looked at the Mayor’s proposal says the total cost is $6.9 Billion even though the Mayor will only show a $3 billion price tag on the November ballot. Nashville voters overwhelmingly rejected a transit proposal in 2018 and they should REJECT this transit proposal in 2024.